WNN Mission Statement
We provide support to Worcester residents in need of resources and assistance by:
- Resources: We maintain a list of existing resources that are available to Worcester residents on this website and on printed copies posted at the Worcester Town Hall and Doty Memorial School.
- Volunteers: We recruit volunteers who are interested in supporting our community and match them up with local residents in need of assistance (confidentiality/as allowed by the residents).
- Community: We organize and promote events that help bring our community together.
Resource List
General Information:
Dial 211 or visit https://www.211.org/ to learn about services in the state of Vermont.
Front Porch Forum is an online community board where you can post anything from selling items to looking for your lost dog. It’s a great way to stay connected with your neighbors. https://frontporchforum.com
Vermont State Park Passes: https://vtstateparks.com/fees.html#parkPasses.
Parenting Resources:
- Good Beginnings: https://www.goodbeginningscentralvt.org/
- Help Me Grow Program: https://www.healthvermont.gov/children-youth-families/infants-young-children/help-me-grow-program
- Childcare: Contact the Family Center of Washington County (802) 262-3292.
- Foster care: Child Protection Hotline at 1(800) 649-5285 http://fostercare.vt.gov
- Kellogg-Hubbard Library at (802) 223-3338 https://www.kellogghubbard.org/
Senior Resources:
- Montpelier Senior Activity Center (MSAC): https://www.montpelier-vt.org/297/Montpelier-Senior-Activity-Center
Everyone 50+ is welcome at the Montpelier Senior Activity Center (MSAC), a place where vibrant, diverse programming promotes lifelong learning, healthy aging, socialization, enhanced nutrition and access to resources on aging. - Helpful resources: https://www.montpelier-vt.org/358/Helpful-Resources.
- MSAC classes: https://www.montpelier-vt.org/751/C.
- Green Mountain Passport. For VT residents 62 yrs. or older, or honorably discharged veterans. Good for lifetime free day entry. Cost $2 and is available only from your local Town Clerk’s office. https://vtstateparks.com/fees.html#parkPasses.
Legal Resources:
- Foreclosure in Vermont: https://vtlawhelp.org/foreclosure-vermont
- Get Free Legal Answers: https://vt.freelegalanswers.org
- Legal Help for Active Military, Veterans and Their Families: https://statesidelegal.org
- Legal Help and Benefits for Vermonters: https://vtlawhelp.org/coronavirus-updates
- Property Tax Credit and Renters Rebate Information: https://vtlawhelp.org/dont-miss-out-property-tax-credit-and-renter-rebate
Housing Resources:
- Homeless Shelters in Vermont: https://vtlawhelp.org/homeless-shelters-and-help-homeless-people
- Foreclosure in Vermont: https://vtlawhelp.org/foreclosure-vermont
- Do you need help with rent? https://vtlawhelp.org/landlord-tenant-renter
- Money for Rent in Vermont: https://vtlawhelp.org/money-for-past-due-rent
- Homeshare Program: https://www.homesharevermont.org/
- Call the Benefits Service Center at 1-800-479-6151 — M-F, 8:00AM to 6:15PM.
Food Resources:
- Food Shelf Locator: https://www.vtfoodbank.org/agency-locator
- Worcester Food Shelf- Wednesdays 1pm – 2pm & every Sat. 11am – 1pm on the porch of the Hall. And every 3rd Saturday of the month, inside the Food Shelf of the Hall.
- Worcester Community Lunch, @ the Town Hall, every Wednesday from 12:00pm- 1:00pm Open to all and a wonderful place to volunteer!
- Donate to the Vermont Food Bank: https://www.vtfoodbank.org/give-money
Student Loan Resources:
- Student Loan Repayment Options are available at vsac.org
Employment Resources:
- The Department of Labor: https://labor.vermont.gov/
- Small Business help: https://ago.vermont.gov/cap/small-business-help/
Mental Health Resources:
- https://www.telehealth.com/ or call 800-535-2459.
- Suicide Prevention and Support: https://mentalhealth.vermont.gov/suicide-prevention
- Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: Call 988.
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – Free and confidential support for people in distress. Call 1-800-273-TALK(8255)
- Vermont Crisis Text Line – A live, trained crisis counselor receives the text and responds quickly.
- Veterans Crisis Line – Always available to talk or chat, both for crisis intervention and to support friends and loves ones. Call 1-800-273-8255 Press 1 or Text 838255 or chat online.
- The Trevor Project – Counselors support LGBTQ+ youth 24/7. For people younger than age 25 in crisis, feeling suicidal, or in need of a safe and judgement-free place to talk. Call 1-866-488-7386, Tex START to 678678, or chat online.
- Trans Lifeline – Trans-led organization that connects trans people to community, peer support, and resources one needs to survive and thrive. Call 877-565-8860.
- Vermont 2-1-1 – Provides information and connects to treatment through the state’s crisis services.
- Find a Designated Agency for Mental Health in your county.
Addiction Recovery Resources:
- The Vermont Association for Mental Health and Addiction Recovery. https://vamhar.org/ (802) 223-6263
- Central Vermont Substance Abuse Services: http://cvsas.org/
Domestic Violence Support:
- Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline (800) 228-7395.
- Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-228-7395
- Sexual Violence Hotline: 1-800-489-7273
- Teen Dating Abuse: 1-866-331-9474
- Vermont Network: https://www.vtnetwork.org/
Volunteer Coordination
Need help? Fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1i-ajw5xGi2ybiowBL1UvzyXoWl6EgbJL679ImBQscJY/edit
Want to help? Fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1HBrK1QB1W1ES2G2K6sdA51stmscdKohyC6R3zMXni2I/edit?ts=5e6e7917
If you or someone you know needs help or wants to help, we will do our best to match you with our volunteers or an existing resource. Email us at worcester-neighbor-network@googlegroups.com or call the Worcester Town Clerk, Jennifer LeStat, at 802-223-6942.
Services offered by our neighbors:
- Meals/Delivery
- Lawn/Yard Work
- Childcare
- Groceries
- Rides
- Tech Support
- Snow Removal
- Phone check in/visiting
Trash Voucher Program
Our Trash Voucher Program helps to reduce the cost of trash and recycling for Worcester residents. There is a donation box attached to the booth at the Transfer Station in Worcester if you would like to help a neighbor pay for their trash. Trash vouchers are distributed at the Worcester Food Shelf on Wednesdays and Saturdays at the Worcester Town Hall.
Monthly Meetings
The Worcester Neighbor Network meets on the second Monday of each month. Please contact us if you would like to attend a future meeting.