Ordinance to Regulate Livestock Running at Large
Annual Town Warning & Sample Ballot
2025 TownWarning & SampleBallot
Business Hour
Town Clerk/Treasurer/Delinquent Tax Collector’s regular office hours:
Monday: 12:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Tuesday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Thursday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: Closed to the Public
For vault time or research time, please call to make an appointment.
The Listers’ NEW office hours are Mondays 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
For additional listings and contact information, please see the full Directory
The Worcester Town Complex is located at 20 Worcester Village Road, Worcester, Vermont 05682. The Complex is home to the Town Clerk/Treasurer’s Office, the Delinquent Tax Collector’s office, the Volunteer Fire Department and the Listers’ Office. The Town mailing address is P.O. Box 161, Worcester, VT 05682
The Highway Department is located at 11 Maxham Drive.
The Worcester Town Complex phone number is (802) 223-6942
The Fax number is 802-229-5216
Katie Miller– Treasurer & Delinquent Tax Collector
Jennifer LeStat, Town Clerk
Clerk email- worcestertownclerk@gmail.com
Dog Licenses
All dogs must be licensed on or before April 1st every year. If registering after 4/1, there is a late fee of 2.00$/per dog. Dogs must also have a current rabies certificate.
FEES: Neutered/Spayed 9.00$ late fee–> 11.00$
Not Neutered or Spayed 13.00$ late fee–> 17.00$
If you would like your dog tag and receipt/license sent to you in the mail, please include a self addressed and stamped envelope. (SASE).
Search Land Records, Lister Cards, Tax Bills
We have 40 years of land records available now online!
The link below will take you to the current land record files available.
This link will let you access current redacted tax bills and lister cards.
There is a 2.00 charge to remove the watermark and print the document.